ARCHIVED: Where can I find information about Silicon Graphics (SGI) systems and software?

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Note: The software discussed here is no longer in common use at IU, and UITS may no longer be able to verify this text's accuracy; additionally, the UITS Support Center may no longer have the materials needed to adequately support this software.

A wide variety of topics are covered in a series of FAQ lists for SGI computers. FAQ lists are available for the following categories:

SGI admin IRIX system administration
SGI apps
Applications and miscellaneous programming
SGI audio
Audio applications and programming
SGI graphics
Graphics and user environment customization
SGI hardware Hardware
SGI impressario IRIS Impressario
SGI inventor IRIS Inventor
SGI misc
Introduction and miscellaneous information
SGI movie Movies
SGI performer IRIS Performer
SGI pointer Pointer to the other FAQs
SGI security System security information

Read the SGI misc FAQ for information about the FAQs themselves. Each FAQ is posted to the comp.sys.sgi.misc, the news.answers, and comp.answers newsgroups (whose purpose is to store FAQs) twice per month.

You can also read these documents online with your web browser at:

Also, several Usenet newsgroups discuss SGI systems:


This is document afhi in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 09:58:56.