ARCHIVED: In Oncourse, how can I arrange for the system to notify me about unread Course Mail?

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UITS no longer supports original Oncourse. For information about Indiana University's current version of Oncourse, see ARCHIVED: What is Oncourse?

Oncourse checks for unread Course Mail daily at 12:05am. You can arrange for Oncourse to send a message at that time to the email address of your choice, letting you know that you have Course Mail waiting.

Log into Oncourse and enter your course by clicking its title. Then follow these steps:

  1. Click In Touch. A menu of features will appear. If Oncourse Mail has been activated for your course, one of the headings will be "Course Mail".
  2. Under the "Course Mail" heading, choose Oncourse Mail.
  3. Click the Change preference link.
  4. In the box next to "Send notification to this internet address", type your usual email address.
  5. Click the Save Preference button.

You will need to do this separately for each of your courses. If you set up notification for just one course, Oncourse will not notify you about unread Course Mail in any of your other courses.

This is document aivg in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 13:03:52.