ARCHIVED: In Oncourse, how can I enter a chat room and send a message?

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

UITS no longer supports original Oncourse. For information about Indiana University's current version of Oncourse, see ARCHIVED: What is Oncourse?

To enter a chat room and post a message in Oncourse, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into Oncourse and select the appropriate course.
  2. Click In Touch.
  3. Scroll down to the "Chat Room" heading. Enter a chat room by clicking its name.
  4. In the "Message" field, enter your message.
  5. To send a public message, click the Send button or press Enter.

    To send a private message, make sure the "Users" list is displayed in the frame on the right. (If it's not, at the bottom of the window, click the Users link. A list of users who are logged into the chat room should appear in the right-hand frame.) Click the name of a user on the list to automatically send your message to that user.

This is document akrr in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 13:19:04.