ARCHIVED: Using the Course Roster Management tool in Oncourse

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UITS no longer supports original Oncourse. For information about Indiana University's current version of Oncourse, see ARCHIVED: What is Oncourse?

You can use the Course Roster Management tool in Oncourse to create and edit your class roster, to create and edit groups within the class, or to view pictures and profiles of the members of your class. To access the Course Roster Management tool:

  1. Log into Oncourse and select the class you want to view from the class list on your Profile page.
  2. Click the Class tab. This will display the Course Roster Management Tool.

You will see several options available in the Course Roster Management tool. You can select one of the available options, or select Profile next to a username to see that person's profile. For information regarding each of the available options, see the appropriate section below:

Create/Edit Roster

Create/Edit Roster will take you to the Course Roster Editing Tool where you can add new roster items, edit current roster items, or delete roster items, as follows:

  • Add a roster item: For instructions regarding how to add someone to your class roster, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: In Oncourse, how can I add someone to my class roster?
  • Edit a roster item: The pencil icon will take you to the Roster Item Editor, where you can change a user's settings. Here you can edit the user's role (e.g., student, guest, or instructor), first and last names, the URL of the picture you would like to display in the user's profile (this will change only what you see, not what is actually in the profile), whether the user is an author, and whether the user is hidden, disabled, or locked into the class.
  • Delete a roster item: Click the box next to the username you want to delete, then select Delete Selected Item.

Create/Edit Groups

Create/Edit Groups will take you to the Group Editing Tool where you can add new groups, edit current groups, or delete groups. For instructions regarding how to organize your class into groups, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: In Oncourse, how can I organize my class into groups?

Show Pictures

Show Pictures will display the picture that people on your roster have selected for the Oncourse Profile. If they have not selected a picture, you will see a grey silhouette with the overlaying text "picture not available."

Show Groups

Show Groups will change the order in which your class roster displays. Instead of showing the lists of Faculty and Students, you will see your roster items sorted into whatever groups you have defined (e.g., study groups or discussion groups). If you have no groups defined, you will see the message "There are no course groups defined."

This is document alyh in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 13:25:54.