About Action Lists

On this page:


Your Action List shows all electronic documents (eDocs) currently routed to you via Kuali Enterprise Workflow for action. From your list, you can view the contents and routing history of each eDoc. You may be asked to approve, acknowledge, complete, or get an "FYI" for each eDoc in your Action List. Once you take the appropriate action, that eDoc automatically disappears from your Action List.

You will receive email notification when your Action List requires action by you, and you can access your list by a link in that email message. Additionally, you can access your list directly; go to Action List.

The Action List count indicated on the Notifications tab is updated in one-minute intervals. Thus, the number of actual items in your list may be out of sync with the number on the Notifications tab for up to a minute. The Action List itself, however, should always be current.

Action List organization

Your Action List is organized in a table, with one row for each eDoc. The columns include the following eDoc properties:

You can show or hide columns by changing your preferences, so some of these columns may not appear on your action list.
  • Id: A unique value assigned automatically to each eDoc; the column also provides a direct link to view the eDoc.
  • Type: A descriptive document classification or category for the eDoc; refers to the set of eDocs that perform the same type of business function or transaction.
  • Title: A descriptive title for the document.
  • Route Status: The status of the document ("Enroute", "Processed", or "Saved").
  • Action Requested: The action you are asked to perform on the eDoc ("Approve", "Acknowledge", "Complete", or "FYI").
  • Initiator: The IU username of the person who initiated or authored the eDoc.
  • Delegator: If the action request has been delegated to you from someone else, this column will contain the person who delegated the request to you.
  • Date Created: The date and time the eDoc was created.
  • Last Approved Date: The date and time the document was last approved.
  • Group Request: If the action request is assigned to a group for approval, this column will contain the name of the group.
  • Current Route Node(s): Node the document is currently at in its routing.
  • Log: Links to the Route Log, a screen showing the eDoc's routing activity history.

Action List tasks

From your Action List, you can view eDocs routed to you, view their routing activity to date, and respond to them:

  • View and/or respond: To view or respond to an eDoc, from the "Document ID" column, click the number assigned to the eDoc.
  • Route Log: To view an eDoc's route log, in the "Log" column, click the icon.
  • Sort list: To sort the list of eDocs, click a column label link to sort by that property. To reverse the sorting order, click the same label again.

Modify your Action List and notifications

To change your Action List, click Preferences. You can change any of the following settings in the "Values" section:

  • Automatic Refresh Rate: The rate, in whole minutes, at which your Action List refreshes or updates; the default refresh rate is 15 minutes, with the number 0 indicating no refresh.
  • Action List Page Size: The number of eDocs listed per page or screen; the default value is 10 per page, and the maximum is 500.
  • Email Notification Preferences: If you have eDocs in your Action List, you will be notified by email. To turn off email notification, from the drop-down menu, select None. You can also select Daily or Weekly to receive a single email message once per day or week regarding all pending documents in your Action List.

    If you'd like to receive email notification differently for a particular Document Type, you can set up notifications for different types of documents. Also, you can turn off email notifications for a particular action requested (for example, if you don't want to receive notifications for FYIs, uncheck the FYI box under the "Send Email Notifications for" section).

  • Fields Displayed in Action List: To show or hide Action List columns, check or uncheck the desired columns. If Use Outbox is checked, documents you take action on will be sent to your outbox and can be viewed by clicking Outbox in your Action List.
  • Colors for the Document Route Status: Select background colors for documents of a given status in your Action List.

To save your changes, click Save. To exit Preferences without saving your changes, click cancel.

This is document anar in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2022-08-22 12:44:45.