ARCHIVED: Using Oncourse Announcements, how do I add, edit, or delete an announcement?

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To complete these procedures, you must be assigned a role having the necessary permissions. If you're not sure what your role is, see the "Role" column in the Roster tool. For permissions, see ARCHIVED: What can I do in read-only Oncourse?

On this page:

Adding an announcement

To add an announcement:

  1. In your site's menubar, click Announcements.
  2. On the "Announcements" screen, near the top, click Add.
  3. In the text box next to "Announcement title", type the subject of your announcement.
  4. In the text box under "Body", use the rich-text editor to create and format the body of your announcement.

    Note: Pasting text into the rich-text editor should preserve most formatting, but some types of formatting may need to be added manually in the editor after pasting. You can also use the Paste from Word icon to paste from a Microsoft Word document, although this may not preserve every type of formatting. For details, see ARCHIVED: Pasting from Microsoft Word.

  5. Under "Access", select how to display your announcement:
    • Only members of this site can see this announcement
    • This announcement is publicly viewable: Visible to members of other sites
    • Displays this announcement to selected groups only: Visible only to certain sections or groups. Use the checkboxes to choose which groups or sections can view the announcement.

    Note: If you don't see the option to display to groups, no groups or sections are associated with your site; see ARCHIVED: Managing groups.

  6. Under "Availability", select Show to release your announcement or Hide to hide it, or select Specify Dates, and then select a beginning date and/or ending date for the announcement's visibility.

    Note: If you choose to specify dates, any email notifications will be sent out on the specified beginning date.

  7. Under "Attachments", you can attach a file from your local computer or from Resources, or specify the URL for a file on the web. For instructions, see ARCHIVED: Options for adding attachments.
  8. You can choose to have your announcement emailed to participants in addition to being posted. From the Email Notification drop-down list, select the appropriate option:
    • None - No notification (the default setting)
    • Low - Not received by those who have opted out
    • High - All participants
  9. To post your announcement, click Post Announcement. To preview your announcement, click Preview.

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Editing an announcement

To edit an announcement:

  1. In your site's menubar, click Announcements.
  2. Under the announcement's subject, click Edit.

    Note: If you don't have sufficient rights to edit a particular announcement, you will not see the option to revise it. Also, you can edit only one announcement at a time.

  3. Make the desired changes to your announcement.
  4. Click Save Changes, Preview, or Cancel.

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Deleting an announcement

To delete one or more announcements:

  1. In your site's menubar, click Announcements.
  2. Under "Remove?", select the announcement(s) you want to delete.

    Note: If you don't have sufficient rights to delete a particular announcement, you will not see a box next to its title.

  3. Click Update.
  4. On the confirmation screen, click Remove or Cancel.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 14:22:56.