Access to IU institutional data and applications

Access to Indiana University institutional data and applications is managed by a number of different units throughout the university, with varying processes for granting such access. Typically, the request process follows these steps:

  1. For employees, University Human Resource Services (UHRS) processes your associated paperwork. For Affiliates, your supervisor/sponsor requests sponsorship of the affiliate account.

    The above must be in place before proceeding.

  2. You then create your first IU computing accounts.
  3. Complete the Acceptable Use Agreement by clicking the appropriate button to complete the agreement.

    The completed Agreement is immediately recorded online. Once you provide your e-signature, the department may continue to the next step.


    All students, faculty, staff, and affiliates must complete the Acceptable Use Agreement every two years. In most cases, an IU Login interrupt will notify you when your previous agreement expires.

  4. Your supervisor or Data Manager submits a request to the unit responsible for granting access to the data or application; for most applications, employees cannot request their own access. During the hiring process, departments typically have a Data Supervisor available to work with a Data Manager in order to coordinate such requests.

For more about secure access, see About Two-Step Login (Duo) at IU.

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Last modified on 2022-12-15 15:58:34.