About the IU STCs (computing labs)

At Indiana University, UITS provides computer labs called Student Technology Centers (STCs) on all eight campuses. These are in addition to computer labs provided by individual academic departments.

These facilities are intended to provide students with a uniform computing experience and a common software selection across each IU campus, providing all IU students with easy access to the full range of enterprise-sponsored software titles, regardless of their home campus.

The STCs offer a variety of settings, including classrooms, individual study areas, and collaborative spaces for group work, with ample access to both Wi-Fi and power for those who prefer to bring their own devices. All STCs are equipped with either Windows or macOS workstations that offer access to IUanyWare applications and a wide variety of services, including large-format printing and high performance multimedia services.

For more about using IUanyWare on an STC computer running Windows, see Access and Use IUanyWare with Citrix Workspace app for Web.

Additional software is deployed on a campus-by-campus or site-by-site basis, determined by the needs of each campus and their various academic departments. These existing software lists closely match what is available on each UITS-managed campus.

For information on software currently available in the STCs on various campuses, see Software Published to STC - Windows and Software Published to STC - Mac.

For help, contact your campus Support Center.

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Last modified on 2024-07-03 12:29:48.