ARCHIVED: Cookies in Oncourse

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

UITS no longer supports original Oncourse. For information about Indiana University's current version of Oncourse, see ARCHIVED: What is Oncourse?

A cookie is a file written to your computer by a web server. Cookies can be used for a multitude of tasks, including saving your preferences and remembering what pages you have visited and when.

Oncourse relies heavily upon cookies to know that you are logged in, that you are a registered user, which page to return to when you click Cancel, or which page to move forward to when you click OK.

For Oncourse to work properly, your browser must have cookies enabled. For information regarding control of cookies in your web browser, see the appropriate document below.

Netscape or Mozilla

For information regarding cookies in Netscape Navigator or Mozilla, see ARCHIVED: How do I view and control cookies in my web browser?

Internet Explorer

For information regarding cookies in Internet Explorer for Windows, see ARCHIVED: In Internet Explorer, how do I view and control cookies?

For information regarding cookies in Internet Explorer for Mac OS or Mac OS X, see ARCHIVED: In Microsoft Internet Explorer for Mac OS or Mac OS X, how do I view and control cookies?


For information regarding cookies in Safari for Mac OS X, see ARCHIVED: In Safari for Mac OS X, how do I view and control cookies? Note that Safari is not a supported browser for Oncourse, but many functions of Oncourse will work in Safari.

This is document ahhy in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:39:45.