ARCHIVED: In Oncourse, why is a course I teach not listed?

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

UITS no longer supports original Oncourse. For information about Indiana University's current version of Oncourse, see ARCHIVED: What is Oncourse?

The list of courses in Oncourse is generated from the registrar's database of information identifying the Faculty of Record for each course. If the registrar's information is incomplete or inaccurate, Oncourse can't correctly link the course to you. The problem may be that your Social Security number is missing or incorrectly listed, or that you are not identified as the Faculty of Record.

Contact the Office of the Registrar to make sure that all the information in your record is accurate. For help reaching your registrar, see the Knowledge Base document Contact your campus Office of the Registrar Be prepared to supply your complete name, your Social Security number, and the course and section numbers of each course in question; explain that the problem is with Oncourse.

If your course has been disabled, it will not show up in any searches or profiles, even your own. The only access to a disabled course is indirect, for the Faculty of Record only, by first selecting Authoring Tools. Authoring Tools are located in your user profile, which you see immediately after logging into Oncourse. No one but the Faculty of Record, not even AIs or other people who have authoring privileges for the course, can see or reach a disabled course.

In rare cases, new faculty members' computing accounts may not have been correctly associated with their employee ID numbers. If you suspect this might be the case, contact your campus Support Center. For contact information, see the Knowledge Base document Contact your campus IT Support Center

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:43:01.