Optimize Denodo views

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When using You do not have sufficient permission to view this document. for data virtualization and integration, you may be able to improve the performance of Denodo views. For potential options, see below.

Use caching

In Denodo at IU, caching is not performed at the server level. Instead, each virtual database (VDB) is configured with an exclusive Oracle tablespace for caching. Developers have sufficient permissions to manage partial caching at the view level.

Denodo caching is used to enhance query performance. Caching is resource intensive, so you should implement it only after detecting query performance issues (not by default). Run cache jobs as infrequently as possible. Do not refresh your cache more than once an hour. Cache necessary data only, and do not cache excessively large database columns, such as CLOBs or LOBs.

If you want to use full caching, fill out the EDSD Support Form to request access to the Denodo scheduler. To learn more about caching, see the Denodo Agile performance tutorial.

Examine the data lineage

You can examine your data lineage for a derived view by using Tree View. If you are combining data that you don't need, consider redesigning your derived view.

Change the execution plan

You can change how Denodo executes complex joins by modifying the execution plan. For details, see the Denodo Virtual DataPort Administration Guide. If you wish to try data movement, your cache tablespace is exclusive to your VDB and available for your use.

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Last modified on 2023-06-27 15:31:55.