Log into your Windows computer with administrative rights using your ADS domain account


Security of Information Technology Resources (IT-12) requires that you normally refrain from running your Windows computer as an administrator. UITS strongly discourages making an ADS account an administrator.

Avoid using an ADS account for administrative access when a local account will reasonably suffice. If the number of computers to be managed makes using local administrative accounts burdensome, local UITS support people should consider using a group ADS account with administrative privileges before making an individual's ADS account an administrator. For more, see About the principle of least privilege.

These instructions assume you have created an ADS domain account for your Windows computer at Indiana University. For more, see Configure your Windows computer to connect to IU's ADS domain.

If you need to make your ADS domain account an administrator on your local computer:

  1. Log in as an administrator or as a user in the local Administrators group.
  2. Navigate to the Control Panel.
  3. Open User Accounts, select Manage User Accounts, and then click Add.
  4. To locate the account, click Browse, and double-click the account when you find it. If you know the account you want to add, enter the username, and enter ADS as the domain. Choose Administrator.
  5. Click Finish or OK. ADS accounts added in this manner will appear in the list of user accounts. Users in the list of user accounts will be able to log into your computer using their IU ADS username and password.

This is document ajtn in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-04-15 17:26:28.