Wildcards and logical operators in the IUIE

You may use wildcards in fields in the following report object types: datagroup, datagroup template, pre-defined query, and indexed reports. You may use logical operators only in datagroup report objects. For more, see Report types in the IUIE.


IUIE fields marked as "Wildcards Allowed" can accept wildcard characters. You can use these characters to match one or many unknown characters within a string. The following wildcards are available:

Wildcard Meaning
* or % Match 0 or more characters
? or _ Match exactly 1 character

Note: Due to a bug, the % wildcard does not work in PDQ Valid Values Lookup. Developers are working on a fix for the problem. As a workaround, use * in these queries.

Examples of wildcard usage

Expression Meaning Sample results
Look for all occurrences in the current field beginning with "45"
45, 4500, 4515410
Look for all seven-digit occurrences in the current field beginning with "99" and ending with "99"
9900099, 9954599

Logical operators

The IUIE allows the use of logical operators within certain fields in datagroup report objects. Operators tell the system how to handle values provided for the query and offer you more control over the search criteria. The following are available operators in datagroup report objects:

Operator Action
, Or
& And
! Not
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
.. Between

Examples of operator usage

Expression Meaning Sample results
4000 .. 5399
Values ranging from 4,000 through 5,399
4000, 4300, 5300, 5399
Values less than 1,000 or greater than or equal to 9,000
-100, 0, 999, 9000, 9999
!2007 & !2006
All values not equal to 2007 or 2006
2000, 2001, 2005
7/1/05 .. 6/30/06
All dates from July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006
7/1/05, 1/1/06, 6/30/06
>6/30/06 All dates after June 30, 2006 7/1/06, 1/1/07

This is document aljx in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-09-20 15:09:31.