Use MS Query to connect to your MySQL database at IU RDC

In Excel, Microsoft Query (MS Query) lets you connect to and query external data sources, import data into your worksheet, and refresh worksheet data automatically whenever those external data sources are updated with new information. For more about using MS Query, see Use Microsoft Query to retrieve external data.

You can use joins in MS Query to retrieve data from multiple tables.

To use MS Query to connect to your MySQL database on the Research Database Complex (RDC) at Indiana University, you first need to create a MySQL ODBC source on your computer; for instructions, see Set up an ODBC source in Windows to access your MySQL database at IU RDC. Also, before users, including the root user (you), can connect to your MySQL server instance, you must create MySQL accounts for them and grant them appropriate access privileges; for instructions, see Create user accounts for your MySQL database at IU RDC.

Once those criteria are met, to connect to your MySQL database via MS Query:

  1. In an Excel worksheet, on the Data tab, select Get Data > From Other Sources > From Microsoft Query.
  2. In the "Choose Data Source" window, on the Databases tab, find the ODBC source you created, and then double-click its name.

If you need help using MS Query to connect to your MySQL database on the RDC, email the RDC Administration team (; UITS does not support MS Query beyond helping you connect to your MySQL database. For more about RDC database accounts, see the Databases section of About the Research Database Complex (RDC) at Indiana University.

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Last modified on 2023-11-13 16:15:26.