About the Data Sharing and Handling (DSH) tool

Designed by Indiana University's Data Stewards, the Data Sharing and Handling (DSH) tool is intended to provide specific guidance on where to store institutional data, and general guidance on sharing, disposal, and Classification levels of institutional data, in order to support Management of Institutional Data (DM-01).

The DSH works by guiding you through two steps:

  1. Select what type of data it is (for example, student data, health data, etc.).
  2. Select the subdomain or description that best fits your data use scenario.

Based on your input, the DSH queries official university Rules and Policies of Data Management and other IU Data Management Tools and Resources, and then uses that information to compile a list of IU storage services approved for the data you have selected, along with the data classification and data use guidelines on how to share, store, retain, and dispose of your data.

This is document aobv in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2022-02-01 11:55:00.