ARCHIVED: Using Oncourse Email Archive, how do I change the site email address?

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Oncourse is retired. For details, see ARCHIVED: About the Oncourse retirement.
To complete these procedures, you must be assigned a role having the necessary permissions. If you're not sure what your role is, see the "Role" column in the Roster tool. For permissions, see ARCHIVED: What can I do in read-only Oncourse?

When you add the Email Archive tool to a site, you'll be asked to specify an address for the site. You can change it later; doing so adds a new address to the site, which will display in the Email Archive tool along with the previous address. There is no way to remove extra email addresses.

  1. In the menubar of the relevant site, click Email Archive.
  2. Click Options.
  3. In the "Site Email Address" field, type what you would like to use as the initial part of the email archive address (i.e., the part before the @ symbol).
  4. Click Update Options.
  5. You will now see the new address on the main Email Archive screen, for example:
      Email sent to the following addresses will be archived and sent to

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 14:13:32.