ARCHIVED: Deliver lectures

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The information here is part of a series intended to help instructors Keep teaching in online or hybrid formats.

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Whenever possible, record your lectures ahead of time with Kaltura Personal Capture. Prepared videos are effective because they:

  • Are available at any time to students
  • Give you the ability to ensure the quality of your own lecture on your own schedule
  • Allow you to break up lectures into smaller chunks for more effective viewing
  • Ensure unstable networks don't impact student success
  • Enable automated closed captioning

In addition to your recorded lectures, you can use ARCHIVED: collaboration tools in Canvas to facilitate student engagement.

Use live Zoom sessions when instructional strategies require real-time audio/video collaboration. Examples include:

  • Facilitating discussion among students, including using breakout sessions
  • Sharing Zoom whiteboards
  • Using live polls
  • Facilitating Q/A sessions after viewing recorded lectures or other materials

Some students won't have access to fast internet connections, and others may have their schedules disrupted. The best practice is to record any live classroom session and be flexible about how students can attend and participate.

Tools for recording lectures


If you are already using Zoom to meet with students, it can be very simple to use Zoom to create recorded lectures. The same process you use to record a class session can be used even if you are the only person in the meeting. Simply share and present content from within the Zoom room, and record yourself as you go through your material. If you choose to record and save to the cloud, you can access your recordings directly in Kaltura, IU's video management service. If you record to your local computer, you can still upload your recording to Kaltura.

Once you have finished your recording, whether you recorded to Kaltura or to your local computer, you can seamlessly publish it within Canvas. The Kaltura Media Gallery allows you to upload videos in no particular order; you can also choose to incorporate your recordings directly into assignment instructions, announcements, pages, or anywhere that you see the Rich Content Editor in Canvas.


Kaltura Personal Capture

An alternative way to record your voice as you present content on your computer is to install special screen-capture software, called Personal Capture, from Kaltura. You can access Kaltura Personal Capture from, or from the Kaltura: My Media tool in Canvas. In either place, if you choose Add New, one of the options will be Personal Capture Recording.

The first time you use Personal Capture you will need to install the software. Personal Capture is available for both Windows and Mac, and includes several options for recording: your voice, with or without webcam; your computer screen (which could be limited to a PowerPoint presentation, other software programs, or content from a web browser); or even content from additional cameras (such as a document camera). After you stop recording, you can make minor edits (to start and stop points) before choosing to upload the recording to Kaltura.


PowerPoint for recording lectures

If the content of your lecture is exclusively in PowerPoint, and you would like to be able to add, delete, or edit slides after your initial recording (or perhaps change the voice-over for one slide), you may want to consider the Recording tab. This option requires the most recent version of PowerPoint (available via Microsoft 365 at IU), unless you already have the now-retired Office Mix installed on your computer.

This option is best for longer recordings, or for ones that you would like to be able to refine in the future. Unlike Zoom or Personal Capture recordings, PowerPoint recordings can be changed in small ways, like editing a typo in a slide, without losing access to the audio that you previously made. This is also helpful if you decide to delete selected content, or add slides with new audio, at some point in the future.


This is document arwh in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-10-20 14:38:38.