ARCHIVED: Using Oncourse, how do I export my roster to a file for use in another application?

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.
Oncourse is retired. For details, see ARCHIVED: About the Oncourse retirement.
To complete these procedures, you must be assigned a role having the necessary permissions. If you're not sure what your role is, see the "Role" column in the Roster tool. For permissions, see ARCHIVED: What can I do in read-only Oncourse?

The Roster tool allows you to export its contents to an Excel (.xls) file so you can import it into another application. If you need a .csv file, after downloading the file as described below, open it in Excel and use the Save As option to convert the file format.


If you plan to export and maintain local offline copies of any student information (including but not limited to names, University ID numbers, or grades), you are responsible for taking adequate security measures to handle and safeguard such data, as it remains sensitive university data.

For more, see Protecting Data & Privacy.

For more on handling sensitive data, see:

To export your roster:

  1. From your site's menubar, click Roster.
  2. On the "Roster" page, click Export.
  3. Choose to save the file to disk (note where your computer is storing the file), and then click OK.

Using Gradebook, you can export a version of your roster including student grades to a .csv file. For instructions, see ARCHIVED: Viewing and exporting all student grades.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 15:01:09.