If you can't connect to the IU wireless network because you're blocked

The University Information Policy Office (UIPO) sets security policy and standards for all Indiana University networking. Staff can block MAC addresses (individual computers or devices used in violation of university policy) and can block access to the network for individual usernames.

Some blocked users attempt to circumvent these standards by accessing eduroam or IU Secure with another username: they "borrow" the username and passphrase of another student or other account holder, and use it to log in. This is a violation of university policy not only by the borrower, but also by the owner of the borrowed account. See Avoid allowing someone to use your IU computing account.

UIPO will therefore block borrowed accounts used in this manner. An account owner can remove this block by first changing the account passphrase, and then emailing it-incident@iu.edu requesting that the account be reinstated. Users in violation of these policies will receive an email message from UIPO, informing them of the problem and providing instructions for resolving the issue and restoring access to the network.

For help, contact your campus Support Center.

This is document ayfs in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2019-10-31 14:00:40.