ARCHIVED: Automatically subscribe people to IU List mailing lists

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Before you begin

If you want to use processes or forms to automatically subscribe users to an IU List mailing list, you will need to manually adjust your list to allow automated processes to subscribe users without a confirmation message. This will weaken the security of your list.

The IU List system will accept email subscription commands sent to the IU List address (e.g., in the format:

ADD listname user@host firstname lastname


QUIET ADD listname user@host firstname lastname

Users added without the QUIET command will be notified of the subscription via email.

If you have manually subscribed large numbers of addresses before, you can still do so through the web interface without weakening the security of your list. In IU List, from the Admin tab, click Manage Subscribers, and then select Multiple Add.

Remove owner confirmation

If processes or forms need to add or remove subscribers automatically, and you are not concerned about your list process being insecure, you may allow these operations to be performed without confirmation.

Only list owners can perform the actions described below.
  1. Log into the campus IU List website for your list:
    Campus IU List web interface
    IU Bloomington
    IU East
    IU Kokomo
    IU Northwest
    IU South Bend
    IU Southeast
  2. Find the correct list on the left-side panel, and click Admin.
  3. Select the Edit List Config tab or link.
  4. Select Privileges.
  5. Under "Who can add subscribers", select the owner_noconfirm option. The list will update and the window will refresh.
  6. Under "Who can delete subscribers", select the owner_noconfirm option. The list will update immediately.

You may now send automated mailings from the owner address to add or remove users from your list without confirmation.

This is document bbtu in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-12-03 16:40:47.