Publish in Tableau

On this page:

Build your report with Tableau Desktop

At IU, you can develop reports using Tableau Desktop, and then move them to Tableau Server to make them available to others. To learn about obtaining a license for the Tableau Desktop application, see Purchase a desktop license for IU.

For information about downloading the correct version of Tableau Desktop for your operating system, see Downloading Tableau.

For Tableau training resources, see IT Training: Tableau Training Resources.

Find or request a Tableau project

Publishing Tableau reports to Tableau Server requires that your department have a Tableau project on Tableau Server. Tableau project names are usually made up of your department's campus code and department code (for example, BL-VPFA for the Bloomington Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs).

If your department already has requested and received confirmation of a Tableau project, access your environments using the following links:

To request a new Tableau project, see Request a new Tableau project or subproject.

If you have a project but are unsure what the publishing group is for a Tableau Project, you can find the ACM Group Name of the groups with Publishing Permissions in the project details on Tableau Server.

If you're not sure whether your department has a Tableau project, or you don't know how to access your project, fill out the EDSD Support Form to request assistance.

Publish a Tableau report to Tableau Server

To publish to Tableau Server:

  1. From the menu bar in Tableau Desktop, select Server, and then, from the drop-down list, select Publish Workbook.
  2. In the "Tableau Server Sign In" dialog box, in the "Server" field, enter for the test server (the TST or DEV Tableau site), or for the production server (the PRD Tableau site).
  3. Fill in your IU username and passphrase in the appropriate fields, and click OK.
  4. In the "Select Site" dialog box, select dev or test if connecting to the test server, or prd if connecting to the production server. (System is a valid option only for administrators.)
  5. Choose your departmental Tableau project from the "Project" drop-down menu.
    • Do not manipulate the report's permissions. Permissions will be inherited from the project and modified later by the UITS Application Security and Quality Assurance (ASQA) team.
    • When ownership changes, you will lose any embedded credentials and possibly assigned security on the workbook upon publishing.
  6. Click Publish.

Move a report from DEV to TST to PRD

To move reports through the development life cycle, use the Tableau Desktop client to deploy to the appropriate development site (DEV then TST) and ultimately to the production site.

  • DEV: Useful for detecting minor differences in behavior when viewing reports in Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server
  • TST: Functional users can view reports' accuracy and functionality
  • PRD: Reports are made available to their intended audience

Secure your report

Tableau reports are secured using groups created via the UITS Access Control Management (ACM) Group Management site. The groups are then assigned to the Tableau reports using Data Delivery (DD) Apply Security. As a developer, your role in the security process is limited to actions performed in ACM and DD: creating and modifying groups, assigning people to those groups, and assigning the groups to reports when publishing the report in DD. For details about creating an ACM group, see Create, edit, or delete Access Control Management (ACM) groups. For instructions on assigning an ACM group to a Tableau report, see Use Data Delivery Apply Security to assign security to Tableau workbooks.

Although Tableau Server will allow you to make security changes to your reports, do not use this capability at IU. A centralized security team maintains and audits report security. If you make changes such as adding individual users to reports, updating group permissions, promoting a user to "Explorer (can publish)" site role, or setting the Show Tabs parameter, the security team will detect these changes and ask you to reverse them, or EDSS will reverse them for you.

To avoid issues, remove the security assignments from Apply Security before deleting workbooks in Tableau.

Publish a report to DS.IU

For instructions for publishing a report to DS.IU, see Publish Tableau reports in DS.IU.

This is document bdxb in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-03-20 12:27:53.