ARCHIVED: KMS REST: Document search

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KMS REST document search is a GET request at:


It requires Basic Authentication (BasicAuth); pass credentials in the URL or via the Basic header.

The request is the same for both the test and production environments:
A request can use either headers or query string parameters or a mixture to pass parameters.
Headers Query string parameters
Accept: Must be set to application/json (required only if using HTTP headers for requests)
Use GET: /v0/search.json
X-Kms-Page: This is used for paging results. Starts on page 0. The response returns some useful elements for paging such as totalPages, totalElements, etc. (defaults to 0)
e.g., page=1
X-Kms-Page-Size: This indicates the number of results to be returned in a response. Limit this on the server side. (defaults to 15; max size is 300)
e.g., pageSize=15
X-Kms-Q: The search query (required)
e.g., q=Outlook
X-Kms-Show-Archived: (Optional) Returns results including archived documents at the bottom. Value: yes or no, defaults to no.
e.g., showArchived=yes


JSON is the only supported response. Requesting a JSON response using Accept: application/json returns a JSON object. Example:

   "message":"Searched successfully.",
               "title":"IU Secure wireless connections: Linux",
               "title":"About IU Secure wireless",
               "title":"IU Secure wireless connections:\n BlackBerry PlayBook",
               "title":"IU Secure wireless connections: openSUSE",
               "title":"IU Secure wireless connections: Fedora",
               "title":"IU Secure wireless connections: Android\n OS",
               "title":"IU Secure wireless connections: Ubuntu",
               "title":"IU Secure wireless connections: Windows",
               "title":"At IU, how do I use the secure server on Pages?",





   "timestamp":"2014-07-30 15:37:10"

Explanation of response fields

  • status: May be "ok" or "error"
  • message: A simple message indicating the outcome of the response
  • content: A Solr page response. It itself contains a content object. The Solr content object contains an array of documents returned. Currently the fields for each document returned are: docid, title, audiences, lastModified, visibility, importance, birthDate, approvedDate and owner. In addition to content are paging fields: size (the page size you requested), number (the current page starting from 0), numberOfElements (the number of elements returned in the page), sort (the sorting direction), totalPages (the total number of pages for the request), totalElements (the total number of elements returned for the entire request), firstPage (Boolean to indicate if you're on the first page of the results), lastPage (Boolean to indicate if you're on the last page of the results).
  • version: The REST API version requested
  • timestamp: The current timestamp of the request

This is document beyz in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-02-08 14:26:47.