About single-button hardware tokens for Two-Step Login (Duo)

At Indiana University, you can use single-button hardware tokens to authenticate with Two-Step Login (Duo). Hardware tokens in use at IU include One-Time Password (OTP) models (see example OTP token) as well as older Duo models (see example Duo token). USB security keys are another option.

Single-button hardware tokens are available at your campus Support Center. There is no charge, but you need to make the request in person. Be sure to bring a photo ID.

You cannot register a single-button hardware token yourself, and you are allowed only one active token at a time. Your token can be added to any of your group or departmental accounts as well; see Use Two-Step Login (Duo) with a group account.

Single-button hardware tokens are non-transferrable, so if you no longer need yours, dispose of it as e-waste at a reputable electronics recycling facility. Before recycling your hardware token, be sure that you really don't need it anymore (for example, to access HR information after you leave IU).

This is document bfhg in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-11 14:05:20.