Set and view personal pronouns at IU

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Referring to people by their personal pronouns helps to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of the Indiana University community. Currently, two different university applications allow individuals to set and update their pronouns: Canvas and the SIS Student Center (for students only). The Student Center implementation represents the first step towards centralizing pronoun data for all students, faculty, and staff at IU. Once this process is complete, it should only be necessary to set your pronouns in your student or employee record.


IU systems with pronoun support

Currently, the following tools and services at Indiana University allow users to set their own personal pronouns, view the pronouns of other users, or both.

System name Who can set pronouns Who can view pronouns Data source for pronouns
SIS Student Center Enrolled students
Enrolled students can view and edit their own pronouns
Input directly by enrolled students
Canvas All Canvas users 1
All members of Canvas classes in which you're enrolled; some technical support staff. For details about where your pronouns appear, see the table below.

Students: Updated nightly with data from the SIS Student Center

All other Canvas users: Input directly by Canvas users

IU Photo Roster in Canvas N/A
All members of Canvas classes in which you're enrolled; some technical support staff
Canvas (which takes student pronoun data from SIS as described above)
Advising Records (AdRx) N/A
Your academic advisor, success coach, and any other AdRx user with the correct permissions
SIS Student Center
SIS Class Rosters N/A
Instructors, TAs, grading proxies, and some technical support staff
SIS Student Center

1 Students are strongly encouraged to set their pronouns in the SIS Student Center, not Canvas.

Locations in Canvas where your pronouns appear

Canvas page/tool/feature Instructor view Student view
Announcements 1 Yes Yes
Assignments > peer review assignments
Yes No
Discussions 1 Yes Yes
Inbox/Conversations 1 Yes Yes
IU Photo Roster Yes Yes
People (course and group sites)
Yes Yes
People > student context cards Yes No
SpeedGrader Yes No
Settings > Sections > Section Roster
Yes No
User Account Navigation menu Yes Yes
User settings Self only Self only
User profile Yes Yes

1 Pronouns are not included in notifications sent via email or SMS.

This is document bhjx in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2022-06-21 15:43:32.