About the Design Tools content editor upgrade

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On September 28, 2023, the Design Tools content editor (now called the DesignPLUS Sidebar) underwent a major upgrade. If you're accustomed to the legacy version of the Design Tools content editor, or you've already created Canvas content with it, this document will help you understand what has changed and plan for the eventual migration of your legacy content. Those who start using the tool after the upgrade do not need the information here.

User interface changes and version switching

The upgraded DesignPLUS Sidebar offers all of the same features available in the legacy sidebar as well as some new capabilities. The most noticeable difference is the user interface, which has been completely redesigned (see screenshots below).

Legacy sidebar New Sidebar
Legacy Design Tools sidebar New DesignPLUS Sidebar

Even though the new interface is simpler and easier to learn, the changes are substantial, so it may take some time to become comfortable with the new Sidebar. To ease the transition, you can switch versions by changing a setting in the Sidebar. Version switching will be supported until Cidi Labs retires the legacy sidebar, tentatively December 31, 2024.

Switch from the new Sidebar to the legacy sidebar

The new Sidebar will load by default when you launch the tool. To switch to the legacy sidebar:

  1. Open the rich content editor in a new or existing Canvas page.
  2. If the new Sidebar does not load automatically, use one of the key combinations below:
    • Windows: Ctrl-1 (the number one) or Alt-Shift-d
    • Mac: control-1 (the number one) or option-shift-d
  3. Open the More options'More' or 'Options' menu icon ) menu and select User Settings.
  4. At the top of the "User Settings" screen, select Switch to the legacy sidebar.
    • If the page you were editing contained saved content, the page will reload with the legacy sidebar.
    • If the page has never been saved, you'll return to the main Pages screen. Open a new or existing page to load the legacy sidebar.

The legacy sidebar will continue to load in the current browser until you switch back to the new Sidebar or clear your browser cache.

Switch from the legacy sidebar to the new Sidebar

To switch from the legacy sidebar to the new Sidebar:

  1. Open the rich content editor in a new or existing Canvas page.
  2. If the sidebar does not load automatically, use one of the key combinations below:
    • Windows: Ctrl-1 (the number one) or Alt-Shift-d
    • Mac: control-1 (the number one) or option-shift-d
  3. Select the Design Tools Settings (gears) icon to open the "Design Tools Settings" screen.
  4. At the top of the "Design Tools Settings" screen, choose Try New Version.
    • If the page you were editing contained saved content, the page will reload with the new Sidebar.
    • If the page has never been saved, you will be returned to the main Pages screen. Open a new or existing page to load the new Sidebar.

The new Sidebar will continue to load in the current browser until you switch back to the legacy sidebar or clear your browser cache.

Content compatibility

Legacy content

Content created with the legacy sidebar is not compatible with the new Sidebar. You may continue to edit legacy content with the legacy sidebar until you are ready to upgrade.


Legacy content will not render properly after the legacy sidebar is retired. Be sure to upgrade all legacy content before December 31, 2024.

To maintain the integrity of in-progress courses, continue to use the legacy sidebar to make changes in your course until the term is over. Upgrade legacy content after the term has concluded or before the next offering of the course.

To upgrade legacy content to work with the new Sidebar:

  1. Switch to the new Sidebar as described in the previous section, if it is not currently the default.
  2. Edit a page or content item created with the legacy sidebar. A notification similar to the following will display:

    23 legacy elements were found on the page. You must upgrade these elements before you can edit them with the new sidebar.

    Go to the Upgrade tool

    If you prefer, you can switch versions to edit legacy elements.

  3. Choose Go to the Upgrade tool in the notification. The Upgrade tool will load. (You may need to close the notification to see the full screen of the Upgrade tool.)
  4. To upgrade all legacy content in the current page, choose Upgrade all [XX] items (recommended) . Alternatively, choose Individual Upgrades (Advanced) to view and upgrade incompatible elements one at a time.
  5. After all legacy elements have been upgraded, save the page.

Legacy content must be upgraded one page or content item (assignment, quiz, etc.) at a time; bulk upgrades are not possible.

Upgraded and new content

Upgraded content and content created with the new Sidebar is incompatible with the legacy sidebar. If you open a new or upgraded content item with the legacy sidebar, you will be prompted to Switch to the New Version.

Get help

For assistance with the DesignPLUS Sidebar or migrating your content after the upgrade, email the eDS Instructional Design Clinic.

This is document bimf in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-03-29 12:14:38.