Research Technologies services
Compute and storage resources
Cloud computing
- Jetstream2 - cloud resource: Cloud-based, on-demand computing and data analysis resource
- Consulting for Jetstream2: Limited support for creating or transitioning workflows to the Jetstream2 cloud environment and using best practices
Data storage
- Geode Home Directory: Personal storage of scripts, documents, configurations, and programs for use on IU's research supercomputers
- Geode-Project: Storage of scripts, documents, configurations, and programs for collaboration on IU's network computers
- Scholarly Data Archive (SDA): IU research data storage and access (long-term and large data storage)
- Slate storage: Large-capacity, high-bandwidth Lustre file system for individuals requiring persistent storage of data mounted on IU research supercomputers"
- Slate-Project storage space: Large-capacity, high-bandwidth Lustre file system for persistent storage of data on IU research supercomputers"
- Slate-Scratch shared scratch space: Large-capacity, high-throughput, high-bandwidth Lustre file system for temporary storage of computational data for data-intensive workflows and analytics running on IU research supercomputers
Federally funded resources
- Jetstream2 cloud resource: Cloud-based, on-demand computing and data analysis resource
Interactive computing
- IUanyWare: Allows use of a web browser or mobile app to run certain IU-licensed software applications
- Research Desktop (RED): Application that allows use of IU's Quartz research supercomputer in a graphical desktop window on a personal computer
- Big Red 200: Supercomputer to support scientific, medical, and advanced research in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics
- Quartz: High-throughput computing cluster designed to deliver large amounts of processing capacity over long periods of time to support high-end, data-intensive applications that are critical to scientific discovery and innovation
Expert consulting
Consulting for data management
- Consulting for high performance file systems: Support for data management, data transfer, ePHI data storage, and best storage practices using Slate, Slate-Project, and Slate-Scratch file systems
- Consulting for research data management: Research data and metadata management tools, workflows, best practices, and consulting on Research Technologies, IU, and cloud storage resources
- Consulting for storage on Geode and SDA: Support for data management, data transfer, ePHI data storage, and best practices for storage in Geode and the SDA
Consulting for grants
- Proposal development resources: Letters of support, letters of collaboration, and cyberinfrastructure facilities statements
Consulting for research workflows
- Consulting for ePHI and HIPAA: Consulting and software development for the implementation of research workflows that use ePHI
- Consulting for GIS services: Support for geospatial research, instruction, and administration at IU, including curation of Indiana GIS datasets
- Consulting for statistical and numerical software: Provides help for using statistical or mathematical applications at IU
- Programming support: Help with migrating, optimizing, and parallelizing advanced scientific code
- REDCap-ETL: REDCap extension for transforming and moving data to external systems and formats
Research software
Available software
- Software on IUanyWare: Software accessible through IUanyWare
- Software for research analytics: A variety of statistical, mathematical, and geospatial software packages are available for use at no fee
- Software on IU's research supercomputers: High performance computing software available on IU's research supercomputers
Obtain/request software
- Software for IUanyWare: Request software on IUanyWare
- Software requests: Request high performance computing software on any of IU's research supercomputers for any field of science
Training and outreach
Education and workforce development
- Jetstream2 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program: Students work with IU researchers and staff to do mentored research projects using Jetstream2
- National outreach and impact: A presence at research conferences, either with a booth or as host
- Publications, products, and documentation: Bibliography of publications produced by staff and affiliates of UITS Research Technologies
- Supercomputing facility tours: Tours of cyberinfrastructure facilities and data centers at IU Bloomington and IU Indianapolis
STEM pipeline
- Ready, Set, Robots!: Camp where students are introduced to computer programming using Lego robots
- Security Matters Cybercamp: Camp where students become cyber sleuths and learn all things cybersecurity
Workshops, trainings, and seminars
- Peebles Memorial Lectures in Information Technology: Lecture in information technology relevant to research, teaching, or creative activity
- Research Technologies on YouTube: Training materials, project information, and archive of events and outreach activities
- Training via Expand: Online/on-demand courses to learn how to use supercomputing resources at IU
- Training via the Supercomputing for Everyone Series: Workshops and courses scheduled for IU faculty, staff, and students
- Training for IU REDCap: Workshops and courses to help manage database and surveys in support of IU research
Visualization and data services
3D digitization and output
- 3D digitization techniques: Consulting and production for 3D digitization methods
- 3D display techniques: Consulting and production for 3D printing, models, and environments, and commodity virtual and augmented reality
Advanced media techniques
- Advanced media techniques: Consulting and production for 3D printing, models, and environments, and commodity virtual and augmented reality
Regulated data workflows and enclaves
- Restricted Access Data Remote Server (RADaRS): Research hub that allows IU researchers to securely access and analyze datasets from data providers
Research databases
- Indiana Spatial Data Portal (ISDP): Provides access to Indiana geospatial data
- IU REDCap: Secure, web-based application for building and managing surveys and databases in support of academic research
- Research Database Complex (RDC): Supports research-related databases and data-intensive applications that require databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL)
- Scholarly Data Share (SDS): A managed research data-sharing service that provides access to large curated research datasets stored in the Scholarly Data Archive
Visualization systems and consulting
- Visualization consulting: Applications and optimizations of existing scientific and information visualization tools, methods, and workflows
- Visualization systems: Advanced displays and cyberinfrastructure in support of visualization, including IQ-Walls, Science-on-a-Sphere, multi-touch tables, and content servers
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Last modified on 2024-08-23 15:39:22.