ARCHIVED: Stop or start a MySQL database on the RDC

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These instructions only apply to database instances located on

To stop or start your database on the Research Database Complex (RDC) at Indiana University, use the mysql_instance command:

  mysql_instance command

Replace command with one of the following:

start Start your instance.
stop Stop your instance.
Stop your instance (if necessary), and then restart it.
backup Back up your instance.
status Report pending commands.
cancel Cancel pending commands.

The action you request is queued via a sentinel file in your home directory; a daemon running on the MySQL server node periodically checks for these files and responds accordingly. Thus, requested actions may take up to 60 seconds to take effect.

If you use backup, your instance will be stopped, a tar archive (mysql.archive) will be written to your home directory, and your instance will be started.

If desired, you may add either of the following options after the command:

-h, --help, -? Print brief usage summary
-m, --man Print man page

This is document axsd in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-06-28 09:24:22.