Use Two-Step Login (Duo) while traveling, or in areas with poor cellular/wireless reception or in airplane mode

On this page:


Before your trip, enroll your mobile device with Duo and install the Duo Mobile app. UITS also recommends that before traveling, you decide which Two-Step Login (Duo) device options you will use and, if possible, enroll two devices, in case your primary device is unavailable (for example, is in another bag, or at your hotel).

For more about managing your devices, see Manage your Two-Step Login (Duo) devices and settings. Also, refer to Two-Step Login (Duo) device recommendations.

Notes on international travel:

Poor connection or in airplane mode

With the Duo Mobile app, you can use passcodes for Two-Step Login (Duo) without needing a network connection. The app will work in airplane mode, in an area without a cellular signal, or even in a location with no Wi-Fi signal. This solution is especially helpful for those with data-plan usage concerns.

Before proceeding, be sure you've enrolled your mobile device with Duo and installed the Duo Mobile app. Then:

  1. When prompted by IU Login, log in with your IU username and passphrase. Select Login.
  2. Select Other options, and then choose Duo Mobile passcode.
  3. Open the Duo Mobile app on your mobile device.
  4. To reveal your Duo Mobile passcode, to the right of the hidden passcode, select Show.
  5. On the Duo authentication screen, type the revealed passcode into the text box field.
  6. Select Log in.

You can now successfully authenticate to Duo.

This is document bfis in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-04-29 16:51:33.