ARCHIVED: Adopt open educational resources or faculty-produced IU eTexts

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Through IU eTexts, you may choose to adopt open educational resources or materials you have created or collected yourself. Like traditional textbooks, such items will be presented on the Engage reading platform in your class site. IU eTexts will provide you with an Engage shell into which you'll upload your materials.

Open educational resources and faculty-produced materials will be provided to students at no cost, but students will still be charged the Reading Platform License Fee. If your school, department, or program agrees to charge students a fee for your materials, send email to to discuss making special arrangements.

To add open educational resources or faculty-produced materials to a class:

  1. Follow the instructions in ARCHIVED: Adopt IU eTexts as an IU faculty member or ARCHIVED: Adopt IU eTexts as an IU eTexts Coordinator, as appropriate, up to the publisher selection.
  2. After choosing Faculty Produced or Open Educational Resource from the publisher drop-down menu, in the "Textbook Details" pop-up, enter all the requested data for the title.
    • The details you enter here will appear in the SIS Schedule of Classes for students to view.
    • If you plan to upload multiple items, you only need to enter details for a single, primary title.
    • If you don't have a primary title, enter your class information in the following format:
      • Title: Your name, your class number (e.g., HIST-H 106, 14198)
      • Author: Various authors
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. On the next screen, you'll see your submitted adoption request. Note the document ID ("Doc Nbr:") at the top right for tracking purposes.
  6. Scroll down and click Continue to return to the original screen for another adoption request.

When the Engage shell has been loaded to your class site, IU eTexts staff will notify you via email. At that point, follow the instructions in the Engage Help menu to load your materials.

PDF files look best in Engage, but you may load any of the following file types: .doc, .docx, .txt, .ppt, .html, .htm, .odt, .xls, .xlsb, .ods, .pptx, and .odp. Files may be no larger than 15 MB. If you need to upload a larger file, email it to and staff will upload it for you.

This is document bfms in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-09-06 11:01:50.