ARCHIVED: In Mac OS and Mac OS X, what should I do if Fetch isn't decoding downloaded BinHex, MacBinary, or StuffIt files?

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Note: Fetch for Mac OS and Mac OS X will not decode files compressed in StuffIt version 5 or later. Beginning with version 4, Fetch does not natively decode files compressed with any version of StuffIt.

To configure Fetch to decode BinHex, MacBinary, and StuffIt files that you download, follow these steps:

  1. Open a connection to your preferred server using Fetch.
  2. From the Customize menu, select Preferences.
  3. On the Download (Fetch 4) tab or Formats (Fetch 3) tab, under "Recognize and decode:", make sure all the checkboxes are checked.
  4. To save your changes, click OK.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 10:44:38.