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RSS is an XML format for syndicating news; "news" in this context can encompass not only current events but also recent changes to a web page, CVS check-ins, or the revision history of a document. Once an RSS feed has been created, an RSS-aware program can check the feed for changes and then present the information as you choose. For example, an RSS-aware web browser can check the news feed of a favorite site and then alert you when that site has been updated. News aggregators are programs that collect information from a number of RSS feeds and present it in a single interface.

RSS and the similar technology Atom are formats, whereas syndication is the process of publishing and processing updates.

The source of the acronym "RSS" is disputed; RDF Site Summary, Rich Site Summary, and Really Simple Syndication are three common expansions.

For more information on RSS, see:

This is document apwv in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 14:30:49.