ARCHIVED: How do I set up Thunderbird to read newsgroups?

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To set up Thunderbird to read newsgroups, follow these instructions:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Account Settings....
  2. On the left of the resulting window, click Add Account....
  3. Select Newsgroup account, and then click Next (Windows) or Continue (Mac OS X).
  4. Next to "Your Name:", enter your full name (e.g., John Smith).
  5. Next to "Email Address:", enter the email address you want to use with this account, and then click Next or Continue.
  6. Next to "Newsgroup Server:", enter the address of the server on which the newsgroup is located, and then click Next or Continue.
  7. Next to "Account Name:", enter a descriptive name (e.g., News), and then click Next or Continue.
  8. Click Finish or Done, and then click OK.
  9. In the folder list in the main Thunderbird window, locate and click the name of the account you just created.
  10. Click Manage newsgroup subscriptions.
  11. In the resulting window, select the newsgroup(s) you want to read, click Subscribe, and then click OK.
  12. The newsgroup(s) to which you subscribed will appear in the folder list below the newsgroup account you created. Click the name of a newsgroup to view messages.

Note: In order to reply to newsgroup messages and post new messages, you will have to set up an outgoing mail server (if you haven't already done so). For assistance, see the appropriate Knowledge Base document:

This is document arrn in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 14:57:34.