ARCHIVED: What should I do about a disk error?

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When you receive a disk error, stop using the disk immediately, and do not attempt to open damaged files. The more you attempt to use a damaged disk or file, the less likely a successful recovery will be.

You can try to recover the damaged file(s) with utility programs (e.g., ScanDisk or Norton Utilities for Windows, or First Aid for Mac OS X), which search the disk and attempt to recover damaged areas. Recovering damaged files or disks can be risky, however, and it is possible to make the problem worse by using these utilities. Unless you thoroughly understand the recovery software process, UITS recommends that you seek professional assistance.

The likelihood of successful recovery depends on the type of damage to the disk. Information stored on disk is vulnerable to dust, dirt, magnetic fields, static electricity, age, wear, and physical disk damage. Taking proper care of disks and making frequent backups will help protect your data.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 08:56:38.