ARCHIVED: Information about Novell DOS 7

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The following information from Novell Corp. compares the features of NOVELL DOS 7, DR DOS 6.0, MS-DOS 6.0, and PC-DOS 6.1.

Novell DOS 7 AEAE was the first integrated advanced DOS and desktop networking environment.

Novell DOS 7 offers full compatibility with all your DOS, Microsoft Windows, and networking software.

Integrated desktop networking provides built-in peer-to-peer resource sharing and access to NetWare servers from a single interface available from both DOS and Microsoft Windows.

The advanced memory management provided by DOS Protected Mode Services (DPMS) supports protected mode execution of drivers and terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) utilities. This means you can run networking software, device drivers, and resident utilities with more free memory than any other version of DOS.

Safe and reliable, award-winning Stacker* disk compression doubles the storage capacity of a typical hard disk. The disk compression is fully integrated into the operating system and uses minimal application memory.

Easy-to-use DOS multitasking allows you to run multiple programs, including Microsoft Windows, in the background while you continue with interactive tasks in the foreground.

A full range of security and management features protects your system from unauthorized use and lets you manage shared resources.

A full set of disk utilities improves performance, reliability, and safety, including disk cache, defragmentation, and file undelete. Both DOS and Microsoft Windows versions of Fifth Generation Fastback Express backup and Search & Destroy antivirus provide full protection of data.

The highest level of Microsoft Windows integration of any DOS offers Microsoft Windows network access, administration and utilities for backup, antivirus, and security.

A complete set of full-screen DOS utilities provides easy and consistent access to common DOS functions.

Full online documentation with hypertext links provides fast access to system information, eliminating the need for bulky manuals.

Fully MSCDEX-compatible CD-ROM redirector is included. It uses DPMS to minimize its impact on application memory.

Installation and setup are powerful and intelligent.

Novell DOS 7 is backed by Novell's award-winning support and delivery of the best solutions to customers.

                                 Novell  Novell  Microsoft   IBM*
  Key Features                   DOS 7   DR DOS  MS-DOS*    PC-DOS*
                                         6.0      6.2        6.1


  DOS high                       Yes     Yes      Yes        Yes
  Device drivers high            Yes     Yes      Yes        Yes
  286 Protected Mode drivers     Yes     No       No         No
  386/486 Protected Mode drivers Yes     No       No         No
  DPMI server                    Yes     No       No         Yes


  Integrated DOS utilities       Yes     Yes      No         Yes
  Protected Mode compression
    driver                       Yes     No       No         No  
  Microsoft Windows permanent 
    swap file support            Yes     No       No         No
  Super compress                 Yes     No       No         No  
  Surface scan and checksum
    verification                 Yes     No       Yes        No
  Uninstall option               Yes     No       Yes        Yes


  Antivirus (DOS & Microsoft Windows) Yes     No       Yes        Yes
  Backup (DOS & Microsoft Windows)    Yes     No       Yes        Yes
  Disk defragmenter                   Yes     Yes      Yes        Yes
  File recovery (undelete)            Yes     Yes      Yes        Yes
  Protected mode CD-ROM
    redirector                        Yes     No       No         No
  Protected mode disk cache           Yes     No       No         No


  DOS task switcher              Yes     Yes      Yes        Yes
  DOS multitasker                Yes     No       No         No
  Background graphics
    applications                 Yes     No       No         No
  Multitasking API               Yes     No       No         No
  Multiple DOS extended
    applications support         Yes     No       No         No


  NetWare client                 Yes     Yes      No         No
  Peer-to-peer server            Yes     No       No         No
  Configuration utilities        Yes     No       No         No
  Administration utilities       Yes     No       No         No
  Workgroup diagnostics          Yes     No       No         No
  SNMP network management agent  Yes     No       No         No


  Machine access control         Yes     Yes      No         No
  Serial port access control     Yes     No       No         No
  Removable media access control Yes     No       No         No
  Time restricted access         Yes     No       No         No
  Screen lock (DOS & MS Windows) Yes     Yes      No         No
  Multiple user accounts         Yes     No       No         No


  Full screen setup utility      Yes     Yes      No         No
  Network game (NetWars)         Yes     No       No         No
  Online documentation           Yes     Yes      Yes        Yes
  Online error message
    documentation                Yes     Yes      No         No
  PostScript printer support     Yes     Yes      No         No

  Copyright 1993 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.
  Novell, the Novell logo and DR DOS are registered trademarks and 
  Novell DOS is a trademark of Novell, Inc.

  • SuperStor is a trademark of AddStor, Inc. IBM and PC-DOS are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Stacker is a registered trademark of STAC Electronics.

Conventional memory version supplied.

This is document aebs in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 09:22:29.