ARCHIVED: In Mac OS, how do I determine what PPP software I have installed on my computer?

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Note: This document does not apply to Mac OS X. In OS X, the only option for connecting via PPP is the built-in client called Internet Connect, which is located by default in your Applications folder.

There are several different packages that you can use to make a PPP connection with your Mac OS computer. If you have PPP installed on your computer, but you're not sure which version it is, use the following steps:

  1. Double-click the hard drive icon (usually located in the upper right corner of your screen), then double-click the System Folder icon, then the Control Panels icon. Alternatively, you may open the Control Panels folder by clicking the Apple menu and selecting Control Panels.
  2. Look inside your Control Panels folder for one of four icons: PPP, FreePPP Setup, Config PPP, or Remote Access.
    • If you have a PPP icon, go to step 2a below.
    • If you have a FreePPP Setup icon, skip to step 2b.
    • If you have a Config PPP icon, skip to step 2c.
    • If you have a Remote Access icon, go to step 2d.
    • If you don't have any of these icons, then you probably don't have PPP installed on your computer. Skip to step 3.

    1. If you have a PPP icon in your Control Panels folder, then the package installed on your computer is probably Open Transport PPP, also known as OT/PPP. To be sure, double-click the PPP icon. Then, from the Apple menu, select About PPP.... There should be a version number and an "Apple Computer" copyright. If this is not the case, see step 3 below.
    2. If you have a FreePPP Setup icon in your Control Panels folder, then the PPP package installed on your computer is FreePPP, version 2.5 or higher.
    3. If you have a Config PPP icon in your Control Panels folder, then you have either MacPPP or FreePPP 1.0.x installed on your computer. Double-click the Config PPP icon to open it. If both a Hard Close and a Soft Close button are at the top of the control panel, you are using MacPPP. If there is only a Close button at the top of the control panel, you are using FreePPP, version 1.0.x.
    4. If you have a Remote Access icon in your Control Panels folder, open it, and from the Apple menu, select About Remote Access.... If it is version 3 or higher, then your PPP program is the Apple Remote Access (ARA) client. This version of Remote Access is virtually identical to OT/PPP, except that it serves to dial up to ARAP (Apple Remote Access Protocol) servers as well as PPP servers. If the version number is lower than 3.0, then go back to the beginning of step 2 and look for one of the other icons mentioned.

  3. If you still don't know what version of PPP you are using with your Mac OS computer, then you either don't have PPP installed or may have an uncommon PPP client.

This is document aehv in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:20:35.