ARCHIVED: How do I access IUPUI guest dialin services?

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To access IUPUI's guest dialin services, including Information Online (IUCAT library services) and IUIS (online registration), you will need some type of terminal software. Some examples of terminal software are Kermit, HyperTerminal, Terminal, and ZTerm. Follow the steps below:

  1. Connect to 317-278-5619.
  2. In the "Username" field, enter guest.
  3. In the "Password" field, enter guest. You will not see the password as you enter it.

    Note: You must use all lower case for both the username and password.

  4. When you see the following menu, enter your choice at the prompt.
                            IUPUI -  Dialup Services
                                     Main Menu
        1     E-Mail Systems
        3     Champion
        5     Cord
        11    Advanced Systems
        12    University Library
        13    IUB Host
        14    Other Hosts
        18    Logout
    Selection: _

If you experience difficulty connecting, please contact the UITS-IUPUI Support Center at 317/274-HELP (4357). However, please note that it may be difficult or impossible to connect at speeds below 14.4Kbps. IUPUI's dialup lines support connect speeds up to 56Kbps using V.90 technology, and up to 33.6Kbps otherwise.

This is document aeus in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-05-24 12:15:12.