ARCHIVED: In Windows 95, how can I tell which version of Winsock my computer uses?

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Note: UITS recommends that you use a current version of Windows on computers connected to the Indiana University network; see Recommended Windows operating systems at IU.

To identify your version of Winsock under Windows 95:

  1. Click the Start button and select Find, then Files or Folders....
  2. In the "Named:" field, enter:
    If your system does not find this file, it may be hidden. To show hidden files:
    1. Click the Start button and select Run.... Clear whatever text is in the "Open:" field, and enter:
    2. From Explorer's View menu, select Options.... Click the Show all files radio button, and then click OK.
    3. Close Explorer, and try using the Find utility again to find winsock.dll.

  3. When you have found the winsock.dll file, right-click the filename and select Properties.
  4. In the dialog box that appears, click the Version tab. In the list on the left, click Product Version. Winsock 2 will have a version number of 4.00.1511 or higher; anything with a lower number is not Winsock 2.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:22:12.