ARCHIVED: In WordPerfect 8 and 9, what are the backup options, and how can I change them?

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Corel WordPerfect 8 and 9, like earlier versions, have two forms of backup: Timed Backup and Original Document Backup.

Timed Backup saves a copy of the document you are currently working on at a fixed time interval (10 minutes by default). If the program crashes, or the computer gets shut down due to a power failure, the next time you start up WordPerfect, you will be given the option of opening or discarding the backup. This feature is turned on by default.

Original Document Backup renames the original document and saves a new copy whenever you save a file. The original document is saved with the same filename, but with the extension .bk!. With this feature turned on, you will always have the previous version of any document you save, as well as the current version. If you have to revert to the previous version, it is a simple matter of renaming the .bk! file, and opening it. Original Document Backup is not turned on by default.

In WordPerfect 8 or 9, you can turn either option on or off, and set the time interval for timed document backups. (A good rule of thumb is a short interval such as one or two minutes. A longer interval could cause you to lose a lot of work, and making the interval shorter also makes the pauses necessary for the backup shorter.) You can also change the directory where timed backup files are stored.

To make changes to WordPerfect 9's backup options, select Tools, then Settings, and then Files. The options for both backup types are found under the Document tab.

To make changes to WordPerfect 8's backup options, select Tools, then Files.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:17:16.