ARCHIVED: What does the NumLock key do?

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The NumLock key changes the operation of the numeric keypad keys on a PC-style keyboard.

Pressing the NumLock key will toggle the status of NumLock and change the resulting behavior of the keypad keys:

  • When NumLock is active, usually indicated by a small light on the keyboard, the number keys on the keypad behave as numbers. Pressing a particular number has the same effect as pressing the number keys above the alphabetic section of the keyboard.
  • When NumLock is off, the keypad keys perform the functions shown below the numbers on their keycaps. The 4 key becomes a left arrow key, for example, and 3 becomes PgDn.

This feature lets you use the keypad not only for entering numbers in a spreadsheet, for example, but also for moving the cursor around in a word processor. Note that these functions are all duplicated by the arrow and document movement keys just to the left of the numeric keypad on a standard 101-, 102-, or 104-key keyboard; which keys you use is a matter of your own preference.

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Last modified on 2023-09-22 16:54:50.