ARCHIVED: How do I create or edit the info file for the Majordomo list I manage?

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

UITS has retired the Majordomo list server at Indiana University Bloomington. If you were the primary owner of an IUB Majordomo list, you can no longer use it to send mail. If you'd like to create a new mailing list, anyone with an IU Network ID username and passphrase can request a LISTSERV list. For instructions, see ARCHIVED: At IU, how do I request a new LISTSERV list? Also, for a collection of documents with general LISTSERV information, and information about owning and subscribing to LISTSERV lists at IU, see the Knowledge Base menu ARCHIVED: LISTSERV, distribution lists, and mass mailing.

Note: You should never send commands to the address of the Majordomo mailing list (e.g., to listname@host.domain, where listname is the name of the list, and host.domain is the name of the computer where the list resides); only messages intended for members of the list should be sent to the list's address. Rather, send commands to the administrative address of your Majordomo list (e.g., to majordomo@host.domain). Additionally, send all commands in the body of the message; commands in the "Subject:" line of messages are ignored.

To create or edit an info file for your Majordomo list, send a message to your Majordomo administrative address with the following command in it:

  newinfo listname password

Replace listname with the name of your list, and password with your list's password. Follow this line with information you'd like people to see, making sure not to include a signature file. People will see your info file when they request information about your list via the info command. The info file is also sent as part of the confirmation message people receive when subscribing to your list.

If people can see your list's name and/or description via the lists command, they may try the info command to find out more about your list. If you haven't provided an info file, they may try to subscribe (even if your list is closed or private) just to find out what the list is, or they may inquire directly to you.

If you don't want people outside your list to be able to retrieve the info file, in your config file, make the following setting adjustment:

  private_info = yes

For information about retrieving and modifying your Majordomo config file, see the Knowledge Base document ARCHIVED: Using Majordomo, how do I see or change the configuration of my mailing list?

This is document afkb in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 10:01:50.