ARCHIVED: For my SGI computer, what command will show my serial number?

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Note: The software discussed here is no longer in common use at IU, and UITS may no longer be able to verify this text's accuracy; additionally, the UITS Support Center may no longer have the materials needed to adequately support this software.

Note: Indiana University no longer has a support contract with SGI.

Note: UITS discontinued IRIX support in June 2003. This document is no longer kept current.

SGI desktop computer serial numbers range from 08006906xxxx onward. You can also find your serial number on a white label on the back of all SGI computers, usually near the power supply or rear chassis (where external connectors are located).

For O2, Indy, Indigo2, CHALLENGE S, and CHALLENGE M

At the shell prompt, enter:

  /usr/etc/netstat -iaI ec0 | grep 08:00 | sed 's/ *//;s/://g' | tr '[a-f]' '[A-F]'


At the shell prompt enter:

  sysinfo | sed 's/53/S/;s/ 3//g;s/ *00//g;s/ //g'

For Octane, Onyx2, Origin200, and Origin2000

At the shell prompt, enter:

  sysinfo -vv | cut -d" " -f2

Using IRIX

If you have IRIX on your SGI computer, to display your serial number, you can use the lmhostid command. Alternatively, you can use the system -vv command. The second number returned is your serial number.

Most of the information in this document came from SGI's web site. You can visit it at:

This is document aflb in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 09:59:05.