ARCHIVED: In Pine, how can I select different message headers?

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Note: Pine is not available on any central UITS systems. UITS does not support the use of Pine at Indiana University.

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To select different message headers in Pine, from within a message header, press Ctrl-r to display additional headers (e.g., "Bcc:" for blind carbon copies).

Note: If you are editing the body of the message using Pico (the default editor), Ctrl-r is the Read File command. The file you specify will be included in the message text at the position of the cursor.

To control which headers appear by default when you compose a message:

  1. From the Main Menu in Pine, press s for Setup and then c for Config.
  2. Scroll down to the "default-composer-hdrs" option.
  3. To specify a list of headers you wish to see immediately when you begin composing a message, for each header, press a (for Add Value), and then type the name of the header.

    Use the format Header: (for example, To:, Cc:, Attchmnt:, Subject:, Bcc:, Fcc:, and Newsgrps:). You can also add values for custom headers to the list. For more information about creating custom headers, see ARCHIVED: In Pine, how do I create custom headers?

  4. When you are finished adding headers, press e to exit the configuration menu, and y to save your changes.

If you change the default composer headers, other headers are still accessible via the Ctrl-r rich header command.

Note: In version 3.9 of Pine, the h (HdrMode) command is available to condition not only the Message Text viewer, but also the Print, Pipe, Export, Reply, and Forward commands. This command, if enabled, toggles between displaying or including the basic set of message headers Pine normally shows and all the headers in the message, including the "Received-from:" diagnostic headers. The h command is a toggle; be careful to turn it off after use so that you don't inadvertently send unwanted headers when you forward a message.

Note: Much of this information comes from the Pine FAQ.

This is document afte in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 10:13:27.