ARCHIVED: In Pine, how do I control or suppress the monthly "sent mail" prompts?

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

Note: Pine is not available on any central UITS systems. UITS does not support the use of Pine at Indiana University.

Note: The software discussed here is no longer in common use at IU, and UITS may no longer be able to verify this text's accuracy; additionally, the UITS Support Center may no longer have the materials needed to adequately support this software.

If you would like to disable or modify the monthly request in Pine that prompts you to archive and/or delete your sent-mail folder, you may change Pine's "pruning-rule" setting. Follow these instructions:

  1. From Pine's Main Menu, press s for Setup and c for Config.
  2. In the Setup Configuration menu, use the arrow keys to move your cursor to the "pruning-rule" setting. You have these options:
    • ask about rename, ask about deleting: Pine will ask you if you'd like to archive your sent-mail folder and whether you'd like to delete old folders. In most Pine configurations, this is the default action.
    • ask about rename, don't delete: Pine will ask you if you'd like to archive your sent-mail folder, but it won't delete old folders.
    • always rename, ask about deleting: Pine will automatically archive your sent-mail folder, and it will ask if you'd like to delete old folders.
    • always rename, don't delete: Pine will automatically archive your sent-mail folder, but it won't delete old folders.
    • don't rename, ask about deleting: Pine will not archive your sent-mail folder, but it will ask if you'd like to delete old folders.
    • don't rename, don't delete: Pine will neither archive your sent-mail folder, nor will it delete old folders.

  3. Once you have made your selection, press e and then y to exit the Setup Configuration menu and save your changes.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 10:17:40.