ARCHIVED: Why can't I log into Oncourse at IUPUI with my valid Network ID and password?

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You may notice this problem when you first attempt to log into Oncourse. To synchronize your passwords on the central services (including Oncourse, dialup, Jewel, and Cord), follow the steps below:

  1. Using your web browser, visit:
  2. Enter your current IUPUI or ADS Network ID and password, then click OK.
  3. Since you are not changing a password but rather synchronizing your existing passwords, type your existing IUPUI or ADS password in all of the boxes, then click Change Password.
  4. You should receive a list of the passwords changed. The list should include NT-IUPUI or ADS. If the account is not listed, you do not have NT Domain or ADS Domain access and will need to add it to your existing accounts. To do this, click the URL below and enter your current Network ID and password:
  5. Try to log into Oncourse again. If you continue having problems, contact the UITS Support Center by phone at 317-274-4357 or send email to

This is document ahhs in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:34:51.