ARCHIVED: In WordPerfect, how do I copy my User Word List from WordPerfect 8 to WordPerfect 9?

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The User Word List (formerly called the Supplemental Dictionary) in WordPerfect is a file that contains words not included in the Main Word List. These are words that you direct the spell checker to skip, such as commonly used names.

The User Word List is located in the Wt80XX.uwl file in WordPerfect 8 and in the Wt9XX.uwl file in WordPerfect 9, where XX is replaced with the country code WordPerfect is set up to use. For example, for the United States, the files for WordPerfect 8 and 9 would be Wt80us.uwl and Wt9us.uwl, respectively. The following instructions refer to the US code files.

To copy your WordPerfect 8 User Word List to WordPerfect 9, you need to copy the Wt80us.uwl file to Wt9us.uwl. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, and from the menu that appears select Find, then Files or Folders....
  2. In the "Named:" box, enter the WordPerfect 9 User Word List filename, Wt9us.uwl.
  3. Click the Find Now button.
  4. Once the file is found, note the full folder path of where the Wt9us.uwl file is located.
  5. To search for your WordPerfect 8 User Word List, in the "Named:" box, enter the WordPerfect 8 User Word List filename, Wt80us.uwl.
  6. Click the Find Now button.
  7. Click the Wt80us.uwl file to highlight it. From the Edit menu, select Copy.
  8. Close the Find window. Then double-click My Computer and go to the folder where the Wt9us.uwl file is located (recorded in step 4).
  9. To copy the Wt80us.uwl file to this folder, from the Edit menu, select Paste.
  10. Click the Wt9us.uwl file to highlight it. From the File menu, select Rename, and change the .uwl extension to .old.
  11. Click the Wt80us.uwl file to highlight it. From the File menu, select Rename, and rename the file Wt9us.uwl.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:42:41.