ARCHIVED: In Windows, what is the Start menu?
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The Taskbar, typically at the lower left corner of the desktop.
menu in Windows provides a quick way to perform many common tasks, such as launching programs or using control panels. In Windows 7, Vista, and XP, the menu appears when you click the button, which is located at one end of theNote: If this doesn't match what you see, refer to ARCHIVED: Get around in Windows.
With Windows 8, Microsoft has redesigned the Windows
menu includes options for:- Running programs, either by selecting from a menu (which you can customize) or by entering text in a dialog box
- Accessing recently used documents
- Accessing control panels
- Finding files, folders, or computers
- Getting help
- Shutting down or logging out of the computer
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Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:50:07.