ARCHIVED: In Microsoft Office 2000 and XP, what do I need for installing Service Pack 1, 2, or 3?

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Office XP

To install Microsoft Office XP Professional Service Pack 1 or 2, you need a copy of the Microsoft Office XP installer. The Office XP installer is a file named proplus.msi, which you can find on the Office XP CD, your hard drive, or a network share directory.

Your installer must match your installed version of Office. If you are applying the service release to Office XP Professional with FrontPage, you must have the installer for Office XP Professional with FrontPage.

Office 2000

To install Microsoft Office 2000 Service Pack 1, 2, or 3, you need a copy of the Microsoft Office 2000 installer. The Office 2000 installer is a file with the extension .msi, which you can find on the Office 2000 CD, your hard drive, or a network share directory. For Office 2000 Premium users, the filename is data1.msi. For most Office 2000 Professional users, the filename is data1pro.mis. Users who installed commercial versions of Office (as opposed to versions from IUware) may see data1Prm.msi, data1Pro.msi, or data1Std.msi on their CDs, hard drives, or network shares.

Your installer must match your installed version of Office 2000. If you are applying the service release to Office 2000 Premium, you must have the Premium installer; if you are applying it to Office 2000 Professional, you must have the Professional installer.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:36:04.