ARCHIVED: In IU Webmail, how can I spell check my messages?

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IU Webmail offers a spell checking mechanism, available when you are composing your message. To use it:

  1. In the "Message Composition" window, click Spell Check. The spell checker will then take you to a new page, in which any suggested spelling corrections appear in a panel at the top.
  2. On this new page, the spell checker will show possible errors, one at a time, highlighted within the text of your message. For each error, you have several options:
    • Manually change the error: Click beneath the highlighted misspelled word, in the field next to "or", and then type the correct spelling. To execute your change, to the right of the field which contains your corrected word, click Change to change this occurrence of the word, or Change All to change all occurrences of the word.
    • Correct the error by choosing from a list of suggestions: Beneath the highlighted misspelled word, from the drop-down menu next to "Suggestions", select your choice from the list of possible corrections. To execute your change, on the far right end of the line containing your corrected spelling, click Change to change this occurrence of the word, or Change All to change all occurrences of the word.
    • Ignore the error: For each error, you can click Ignore to ignore that occurrence of the word, or Ignore All to ignore all occurrences of the word.
    • Ignore all suggested corrections: To move back to the page in which you were composing your message, ignoring all suggested corrections, click Cancel.
  3. Once you have made your corrections to all the words on the first screen, click Next to move to the next screen.

    Note: Clicking Next without first correcting all mistakes on the first screen will cause the spell checker to ignore the misspelled words on that screen; you cannot return to the first screen to make further corrections. However, if you run the spell checker again, it will catch any errors you miss at this point.

  4. When you have corrected all misspelled words, click Done to apply all the changes and return to composing your message.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:59:44.