ARCHIVED: In the IU Active Directory, how should I deploy software?

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Note: This information is intended for registered local support providers (LSPs) at Indiana University. If you are an IU LSP and have questions regarding this content, email UITS Tier 2 Support; otherwise, contact your campus Support Center.

When using Active Directory group policies, you have three options for deploying software:

  • Assign software to computers
  • Assign software to users
  • Publish software to users

At Indiana University, UITS recommends that you assign software to computers, thereby preventing repeated installations and removals of software each time a particular user logs into or out of a computer. Also, because LSPs control computer accounts directly, it is easier to apply group policy to computers than to users.

This is document akcl in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-09-07 17:13:29.