ARCHIVED: In Outlook, how do I change the way Contacts are displayed and filed?

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In Outlook, Contacts are entries for people with whom you communicate on a regular basis. Outlook allows you to keep and organize information for each Contact, ranging from phone numbers and multiple email addresses to a Contact's birthday or spouse's name.

On this page:

Viewing Contacts

To see a list of your Contacts:

  • In Outlook 2007 and 2003, click the Contacts icon in the Outlook Navigation Pane.
  • In Outlook 2002, click the Contacts icon on the Outlook Shortcut Bar.

To view the complete information for a Contact, double-click the name of the Contact. From there, you can click the Details tab to add further information.

Changing the display order

You can alphabetize your Contacts by first name, last name, or the name of the company for which each person works.

The default view for Contacts shows the Address Cards sorted as "File As", in ascending order.

To change the default for how new entries are added to and filed in your Contacts folder:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options....
  2. Select Contact Options....
  3. Use the "Default 'Full Name' order:" drop-down box to select the order you would like Outlook to use for new names. You can choose First (Middle) Last, Last First, or First Last1 Last2.
  4. Use the "Default 'File As' order:" drop-down box to select the order you would like Outlook to use for filing new contacts. You can choose Last, First; First Last; or any of these options preceded or followed by the company name.
  5. Click OK in the Contact Options window, then OK again in the Options window.

To further organize the way your existing Contacts are displayed, open a particular Contact from the Contacts folder and click the arrow next to "File As:". This will allow you to override the default settings you created.

Additional display options

You can also display your Contacts in any of the following ways:

Outlook 2007 and 2003

  1. Use the categories in the Navigation Pane, under Current View.

    Alternatively, from the Tools menu, select Current View (Outlook 2007) or Arrange By and then Current View (Outlook 2003). Choose one of the following:

    • Address Cards
    • Detailed Address Cards
    • Phone List
    • By Category
    • By Company
    • By Location
    • By Follow-up Flag (Outlook 2003)
    • Customize Current View
    • Business Cards (Outlook 2007)
    • Outlook Data Files (Outlook 2007)

Outlook 2002

  1. From the Tools menu, select Current View.
  2. Choose one of the following:
    • Address Cards
    • Detailed Address Cards
    • Phone List
    • By Category
    • By Company
    • By Location
    • By Follow-up Flag
    • Customize Current View

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Last modified on 2021-09-07 17:13:18.